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在 2011/11/15 16:11:33 发布



  201111月11~12日,由美國羅格斯大學孔子學院(Confucius Institute,Rutgers University)主辦的“商代與上古中國文明國際學術研討會”(An International Conference on Shang and Early Chinese Civilization 1600-800 BCE)在羅格斯大學新伯朗士威校區(New Brunswick)召開。本次會議共提交論文20餘篇。




林澐 吉林大學:由“文化形成的滞后性”所引起的新思考(Some new thoughts on the "lagging of the formation of culture"

高嶋謙一(Takashima, KenIchi) 英屬哥倫比亞大學:Etymology and Paleography of Hé Yellow River

何景成 吉林大學/佛羅里達大學:試釋甲骨文的“盾”字,甲骨文所謂“眢”字新釋(The transcription of the inscription dùn on the oracle bone

Maréchal, Chrystelle(麥里筱) 法國社會科學高等研究院:The identification of the character for “happiness” in ancient Chinese writing

趙鵬 中國社科院歷史所:釋“陷”及其相關問題(Interpretation of bone character xiàn and related questions

Allan, Sarah(艾蘭) 達特茅斯學院:The character zhōng in oracle bone inscriptions and the concept of the center in ancient China(甲骨文中的“中”及古代中國的“中央概念”分析)

Schwartz, Adam(石亞當) 芝加哥大學:The meaning and function of the word zhēn on the genealogy of Ni lineage patriarchs(《兒氏宗子譜》刻辭上“貞”的意義與功能)

朱岐祥 東海大學:談甲骨文“中”的觀念(On the concept of zhōng in oracle bone inscriptions

宋鎮豪 中國社科院歷史所:甲骨金文中所見的建築名稱(Buildings and architectures as revealed in Shang oracle bone and bronze inscriptions

Cook, Scott(顧史考) 郡禮大學:甲骨文中有關酒禮字義淺探(A preliminary inquiry on the origins of graphs related to alcohol culture and libation rituals in oracle bone inscriptions

黃天樹 首都師範大學:甲骨文所見的商代喪葬制度(Shang funeral institution as revealed in oracle bone inscriptions

Shaughnessy, Edward L.(夏含夷) 芝加哥大學:The beginning of History (in China)(原史:紀年形式與史書之起源)

Pankenier, David W.(班大為) 理海大學:The CELESTIAL DRAGON in Xia and Shang

劉源 中國社科院歷史所:周承殷制的新證據及其啟示(New evidence and revelation on the continuity of Yin and Zhou systems

朱鳳瀚 北京大學:商後期王國與鄰近區域北方族群的交往與文化聯繫(The interaction and cultural connection between late Shang and Northern tribal groups

李峰 哥倫比亞大學:The Guicheng archaeological survey, its preliminary results, and answers to historical questions

黃銘崇 中研院史語所:商周親屬稱謂的比較研究(A comparative study of Shang and Zhou kinship systems

曹定雲 中國社科院考古所:論歷組卜辭中“小乙、父丁”稱謂及其相關問題—揭示歷組卜辭時代之確證(On the title of Xiao Yi and Fu Ding and related problems

劉釗 復旦大學:談新發現的牛距骨刻辭(On the newly discovered cattle talus inscriptions

Smith, Adam 哥倫比亞大學:The Columbia University collection of oracle bone inscriptions, and their relevance to the question of scribal training at Anyang

Cook, Constance(柯鶴立) 理海大學:Investigating the Shang Origins of the Chu people according to the Chu Ju 楚居

陳光宇 羅格斯大學:《兒氏家譜刻辭》綜述及其確為真品的證據(The authenticity of the Er Shi Genealogy Inscription: Review and new evidence

French, William III(傅筆立) 哈佛大學:Additional Sources of Shang History: Shang Bronze Inscriptions






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