顧史考著《郭店楚簡綜合研究與英譯》上、下冊(The Bamboo Texts of Guodian: A Study and Complete Translation, Volumes 1 and 2),於2012年12月由美國康乃爾大學東亞系列出版社(Ithaca: Cornell East Asia Series)出版。本年3月印出問世。
顧史考(Scott Cook),美國密歇根大學中文博士,現任美國郡禮大學(Grinnell College)東亞語言文學系中國研究首席教授兼系主任。研究範圍以先秦文獻及思想史為主,曾編著《藏天下於天下:對〈莊子〉不齊之論說》(Hiding the World in the World: Uneven Discourses on the Zhuangzi;紐約州立大學出版社,2003年),及《郭店楚簡先秦儒書宏微觀》(臺北:臺灣學生書局,2006年)(再版:上海:上海古籍出版社,2012年),並在《清華大學學報》、《簡帛》、《臺大中文學報》及《華裔學志》、《哈佛亞洲研究學報》等海內外期刊發表學術論文數十篇。
| Contents |
A. Nature of the Find and Dating of the Tomb 3
Guodian Tomb #1 3
Tomb Occupant 7
B. Recovery of the Strips and Their Textual Contents 10
Sorting and Arranging 10
Contents of the Texts and the Issue of Completeness 13
A Note on the Shanghai Museum and Qinghua University
Manuscripts 23
C. The Chu Script and Calligraphic Features 26
The Chu Script 26
Chu Scribal Peculiarities 40
Calligraphic Divisions 47
Implications for Strip Reassignment and Internal Reordering 54
Markers for Punctuation, Division, Combination,
Repetition, and Insertion 60
D. Reading the Texts: Problems and Principles 64
Transcribing and Interpreting the Graphs 65
Determining the Reading of Characters 68
A Note on Modes of Textual Transmission 76
Loan Words: Phonological Considerations 82
E. The Guodian Manuscripts in the Context of Warring States
Intellectual History 97
Affiliations with Intellectual Lineages 108
a. The “School of Zisi and Meng Zi” 110
b. Connections to Other Figures or Lineages 121
Guodian and the “Six Classics” 128
Shared Philosophical Doctrines in the Guodian Texts 139
a. Heaven and Human Endowment 139
b. The Paths to Virtuous Cultivation 145
c. Education, Moral Suasion, and the Role of Tradition 152
d. Musical Harmony and the Symphony of Virtues 167
F. Final Considerations 175
An Overview of Prior Scholarship 176
Illustrations of Strips and Artifacts from Guodian Tomb Number One
Transcription and Translation Conventions 189
1. “Laozi” jia, yi, bing〈老子〉甲、乙、丙: “Laozi” A, B, and C 195
The Nature of the Texts: Precursors, Selections, Or? 199
Themes and Other Considerations 206
Forms of Textual Disparity and Their Significance 210
Textual Notes 216
“Laozi C” 〈老子〉丙 Text and Translation 309
2. “Taiyi sheng shui”〈太一生水〉: “The Great Unity Gives
Birth to Water” (a.k.a. “Laozi” C, Part Two) 323
Taiyi and the Role of Water 324
Relationship to Other Early Cosmogonies 328
Relationship to the “Laozi” Texts 335
Textual Notes 340
Text and Translation 343
3. “Ziyi”〈緇衣〉: “Black Robes” 355
Disparities in the Configuration and
Ordering of Passages 358
1. Inconsistencies and Traces of Elaboration
in the Received Text 358
2. Divergent Orderings of the Passages 361
Textual Notes 371
Text and Translation 375
4. “Lu Mu Gong wen Zisi”〈魯穆公問子思〉: “Lord Mu
of Lu Asked Zisi” 419
Text and Translation 425
5. “Qiongda yi shi”〈窮達以時〉: “Poverty or Success
Is a Matter of Timing” 429
Timing, Chance Encounters, and Moral Constancy 429
Parallels with Other Early Texts 431
Relation to Xun Zi’s “Tian lun” 439
Textual Notes 449
Text and Translation 453
6. “Wu xing”〈五行〉: “The Five Conducts” 465
Philosophy of the “Wu xing” and Its Place
in the Early Confucian Tradition 466
Relation to the Mawangdui “Wu xing” 478
1. Absence of the Commentarial Text in Guodian 478
2. Differences in the Order of Passages 480
Textual Notes 482
Text and Translation 485
7. “Tang Yu zhi dao”〈唐虞之道〉: “The Way of Tang and Yu” 521
Changing Views on Abdication in the Warring States 526
Zisi Connections 539
Textual Notes 541
Text and Translation 545
8. “Zhongxin zhi dao”〈忠信之道〉: “The Way of Loyalty
and Trustworthiness” 565
Zhong and xin in Relation to Other Works 566
Textual Notes 572
Text and Translation 575
9. “Cheng zhi”〈成之〉: “Bringing Things to Completion” 583
Authenticity, Persistence, Urgency, and Completion 583
Connections with Received Texts 586
Textual Notes: Rearrangements in Strip Order 590
1. Internal Reordering 590
2. External Reassignment 596
Text and Translation 599
10. “Zun deyi”〈尊德義〉: “Honoring Virtue and Propriety” 627
The Virtues of Governing through Ritual and Music 627
Rhyme and Parallelism 631
Textual Notes: Rearrangements in Strip Order
and the Issue of Strip Numbers 633
Text and Translation 639
11. “Xing zi ming chu”〈性自命出〉: “Human Nature Comes
via Mandate” 667
Human Nature and Its Affections 668
Music and Authenticity 671
Some Conclusions 674
Intellectual Affiliation 678
Textual Notes 686
Text and Translation 697
12. “Liu de” 〈六德〉: “The Six Virtues” 751
Relations, Duties, and Virtues 751
The Priorities of Internal and External 757
Unity through Filial Piety 762
Textual Notes: Rearrangements in Strip Order 764
Text and Translation 771
13. “Yucong, yi” 〈語叢一〉: “Thicket of Sayings 1” 799
On the Nature of “Yucong” 1-3 799
Themes of “Yucong 1” 804
Textual Notes 809
Text and Translation 811
14. “Yucong, er” 〈語叢二〉: “Thicket of Sayings 2” 845
Themes of “Yucong 2” 845
Text and Translation 849
15. “Yucong, san” 〈語叢三〉: “Thicket of Sayings 3” 865
Themes of “Yucong 3” 866
1. Calligraphic Hands 869
2. Maxims in Divided Columns 872
Text and Translation 875
16. “Yucong, si” 〈語叢四〉: “Thicket of Sayings 4” 903
On the Nature of “Yucong 4” 904
Themes and Intellectual Affiliation 908
Textual Notes: Rhyme and Strip Order 913
Fragments 竹簡殘片 939
Introduction 939
Text and “Translation” 941
Appendix A: Collation Tables of Witnesses to the Guodian “Laozi” Passages 951
“Laozi A” tables 953
“Laozi B” tables 985
“Laozi C” tables 997
Appendix B: Table of Strip Orders 1003
Appendix C: Running Translation of the Guodian Texts 1005
List of Ancient Texts Cited 1105
References 1109
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