一九六九年五月, 联合书院理学院学生, 邓祖玄先生奉母之命将其父所藏五十六片稀有甲骨捐赠书院, 现存于联合书院胡忠多媒体图书馆。此乃本港现存最丰富的甲骨藏品。以下为四十五片甲骨藏品之相片, 甲骨上可见清晰的文字。另附李棪先生选录其中 七片甲骨之释说。摘自「联合书院图书馆新获东莞邓氏旧藏甲骨简介」, 《联合书院学报》,一九六八年/...
Brief Description of the Oracle Bone Collection of United College Library In May 1969, Mr. C. Y. Tang, a student of the Science Faculty of United College, according to the instruction of his mother, donated his father's collection of 56 pieces of rare oracle bones to the College. The collection is now kept in the Wu Chung Library, and this is the largest collection of its kinds in Hong Kong. Followed are the photographs of 45 pieces of oracle bones which show readable characters. http://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/uclib/bones/bones.htm