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发表于 2009-12-16 19:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Text and Ritual in Early Chinahttp://www.washington.edu/uwpress/search/books/KERTEX.html

Edited by Martin Kern

Published: 2008

Subject Listing: Asian Studies, Literary Studies


Introduction: The Ritual Texture of Early China / Martin Kern
1. Toward an Archaeology of Writing: Text, Ritual, and the Culture of Public Display in the Classical Period (475 B.C.E.-220 C.E.) / Michael Nylan
2. The Composite Nature of Early Chinese Texts / William G. Boltz
3. The E Jun Qi Metal Tallies: Inscribed Texts and Ritual Contexts / Lothar von Falkenhausen
4. The Ritual Meaning of Textual Form: Evidence from Early Commentaries of the Historiographic and Ritual Traditions / Joachim Gentz
5. The Odes in Excavated Manuscripts / Martin Kern
6. Playing at Critique: Indirect Remonstrance and the Formation of Shi Identity / David Schaberg
7. Reimagining the Yellow Emperor's Four Faces / Mark Csikszentmihalyi
8. Text and Ritual in Early Chinese Stelae / K. E. Brashier
Works Cited



In Text and Ritual in Early China, leading scholars of ancient Chinese history, literature, religion, and archaeology consider the presence and use of texts in religious and political ritual. Through balanced attention to both the received literary tradition and the wide range of recently excavated artifacts, manuscripts, and inscriptions, their combined efforts reveal the ric

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-16 19:44 | 显示全部楼层

Early Chinese Religion, Volume 1 Part One: Shang through Han (1250 BC-220 AD) http://www.brill.nl/product_id26673.htm


Edited by John Lagerwey and Marc Kalinowski    

Publication year: 2009      


Table of contents

List of maps and illustrations

Introduction by John Lagerwey and Marc Kalinowski

Shang and Western Zhou (1250-771 BC):
Robert Eno - Shang state religion and the pantheon of the oracle texts
Alain Thote - Shang and Zhou funeral practices: interpretation of material vestiges
Martin Kern - Bronze inscriptions, the Shijing and the Shangshu: the evolution of the ancestral sacrifice during the Western Zhou
Kominami Ichiro - Rituals for the Earth

Eastern Zhou (770-256 BC):
Constance Cook - Ancestor worship during the Eastern Zhou
Mu-chou Poo - Ritual and ritual texts in early China
Yuri Pines - Chinese history writing between the sacred and the secular
Marc Kalinowski - Diviners and astrologers under the Eastern Zhou (770-256 BC): transmitted texts and recent archaeological discoveries
Fu-shih Lin - The image and status of shamans in ancient China
Romain Graziani - The subject and the sovereign: exploring the self in early Chinese self-cultivation
Mark Csikszentmihàlyi - Ethics and self-cultivation practice in early China
Mark Edward Lewis - The mythology of early China
Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann - Ritual practices for constructing terrestrial space (Warring States-early Han)
Jean Levi - The rite, the norm, and the Dao: philosophy of sacrifice and transcendence of power in ancient China

Qin and Han (221 BC-220 AD):
Michael Puett - Combining the ghosts and spirits, centering the realm: mortuary ritual and political organization in the ritual compendia of early China
Michael Nylan - Classics without canonization, learning and authority in Qin (221-210 BC) and Han (206 BC-AD 220)
Marianne Bujard - State and local cults in Han religion
Joachim Gentz - Language of Heaven, exegetical skepticism and the reinsertion of religious concepts in the Gongyang tradition
Roel Sterckx - The economics of religion in Warring States and early imperial China
Liu Tseng-kue -, Taboos: an aspect of belief in the Qin and Han
Michèle Pirazzoli-t’Serstevens - Death and the dead: practices and images in the Qin and Han
Ken Brashier - Eastern Han co

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-16 19:49 | 显示全部楼层

倪德衛(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_S._Nivison )的


3 Preface (2007)
7 Introduction (2007)

Part One: Recovery of Information from the Bamboo Annals
15 Chapter One The Date of the Zhou Conquest of Shang (1997)
27 Attachment 1: The Myth of the Preliminary Campaign (2007)
31 Astrology of the Conquest Campaign (2007)
35 Chapter Two Chronology of the Three Dynasties (2000)
53 Attachment: The 853 Problem (2007)

Part Two: The Challenge of the Three Dynasties Project (1996-2000)
59 Introduction to Part Two
63 Chapter Three Getting the Dates Right: the Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project
72 Criticism of the Sandai Project "Brief Report" (2000)
75 Chapter Four The Three Dynasties Chronology Project: Two Approaches to Dating
81 Chapter Five The H. G. Creel Lecture (University of Chicago 2002):
“The Three Years Mourning Institution and the Chronology of Ancient China”
101 Chapter Six “Zai Tan” (written for international conference on chronology, set for Oct ‘03, suspended): a plea for a conference on the Bamboo Annals

Part Three: Recovery of the Strip Text of the Bamboo Annals
113 Introduction to Part Three
115 Chapter Seven Recovery of Strip Text (AAS April 2006)
123 Chapter Eight Strip Text, Huang Di through Jin Wu Gong (2006)
177 Chapter Nine Evolution of Chronology and Text (2006)
193 Appendix 1: Sandai Science Survey (2000)
209 Appendix 2: Material Supporting “Two Approaches to Dating” (2002)
219 Appendix 3: Proposed Absolute Dates for Fully Dated Bronzes (2007)
229 Appendix 4: The Late Shang Ritual Cycle (2007 and 2008)

261 Bibliography
275 Index

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-16 19:57 | 显示全部楼层


Statecraft and Classical Learning The Rituals of Zhou in East Asian History http://www.brill.nl/default.aspx?partid=210&pid=30868

Edited by Benjamin A. Elman and Martin Kern   

Series:    Studies in the History of Chinese Texts, 1


All those interested in Chinese classical learning and its impact in East Asia, the history of statecraft in ancient China and early modern China, Japan, and Korea.

About the author(s)

Benjamin Elman, Ph.D. (1980) in Oriental Studies, University of Pennsylvania, is Professor of East Asian Studies and History at Princeton University. He has published widely on Chinese intellectual history, the history of education, and the history of science in China.
Martin Kern, Ph.D. (1996) in Chinese Studies, Cologne University (German

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-16 20:21 | 显示全部楼层

另外在林德威个人网站(http://branner.americanorientalsociety.org/dpb/pastpublications.html )中有:

2010. Writing and Literacy in Early China. Seattle: University of Washington Press. Co-edited with Feng Li 李峰.

大概是早先会议(Writing and Literacy in Early China)的论文结集



发表于 2009-12-16 20:43 | 显示全部楼层

柯马丁有statecraft and classical learning目录(下文抄自日本网站)
Table of Contents
Introduction                                       1
  Benjamin A. Elman and Martin Kern
I. Early China
  1.  The Zhouli as Constitutional Text            33
    David Schaberg
  2.  Offices of Writing and Reading in the        64
  Rituals of Zhou
    Martin Kern
  3.  The Many Dukes of Zhou in Early Sources      94
    Michael Nylan
  4.  Centering the Realm: Wang Mang, the          129
  Zhouli, and Early Chinese Statecraft
    Michael Puett
  5.  Zheng Xuan's Commentary on the Zhouli        155
    Andrew H. Plaks
II. Medieval China
  6.  The Role of the Zhouli in Seventh- and       181
  Eighth-Century Civil Administrative Traditions
    David McMullen
  7.  Wang Anshi and the Zhouli                    229
    Peter K. Bol
  8.  Tension and Balance: Changes of              252
  Constitutional Schemes in Southern Song
  Commentaries on the Rituals of Zhou
    Jaeyoon Song
III. Early Modern East Asia
  9.  Tokugawa Approaches to the Rituals of        279
  Zhou: The Late Mito School and "Feudalism"
    Kate Wildman Nakai
  10. Yun Hyu and the Search for Dominance: A      309
  Seventeenth-Century Korean Reading of the
  Offices of Zhou and the Rituals of Zhou
    JaHyun Kim Haboush
  11. The Story of a Chapter: Changing Views of    330
  the "Artificer's Record" ("Kaogong ji" and
  the Zhouli)
    Benjamin A. Elman
IV. Modern China
  12. The Zhouli as the Late Qing Path to the      359
    Rudolf G. Wagner
  13. Denouement: Some Conclusions about the       388
    Rudolf G. Wagner
Bibliography                                       397
Index                                              423
发表于 2009-12-16 21:10 | 显示全部楼层

夏含夷又在哪里jiangzuo? women zenme meidingshuo? you guanggao ma?



发表于 2009-12-16 21:17 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2009-12-16 21:30 | 显示全部楼层


报告人:夏含夷(Edward L. Shaughnessy)教授

发表于 2009-12-17 02:53 | 显示全部楼层

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